The Newest Video:
Hey you! Yeah, you! We know you are already pretty awesome, but you could be even more awesome, more hip, and more in-the-know after having seen the latest GP video! Oh, yeah! Get hip to it! Start a trend and brag about how you saw it first!
Have a Potato
Drosh, along with his close personal friends Slappy McKean and Tony Baloney, have pulled together this little ditty for you all. Enjoy!
Song download available at:
Thanks for stopping by our booth!
Here’s a video of some who did. ConnectiCon 2014 was a blast thanks to you!
Our Videos
The “Newbies”
Here are a few of the other more recent videos:
The “Creme de la creme” videos
We think all our GlumPuppet videos are special in some way, but the ones below are a selection (in random order) of ones we feel you shouldn’t live without seeing…seriously, you should watch these for your health and peace of mind: